1. 建立一個捷徑,輸入:"D:\...\CCleaner.exe(執行檔路徑)" /AUTO
> 可以把捷徑放在網路磁碟,讓前端自己去點選執行。(捷徑記得設定網路磁碟的位置:\\IP\Folder\CCleaner.exe /AUTO)
> 但是執行前要將所有程式關閉,否則自動執行會自動略過執行中的程式。
2. 建立一個批次檔案,輸入:D:\...\CCleaner.exe(執行檔路徑) /AUTO
> 可以用於GPO,讓同仁登入時讓自己執行。
ITHome - CCleaner 正確設定19招,高效率的系統清道夫
CCleaner only supports a few command-line parameters.
CCleaner Setup has 2 command-line parameters:
/S - This will install CCleaner with the default options. You will not get a setup screen!
/D - This will change the default install directory of CCleaner. Example: /D=C:\CCleaner
Best used like ccsetupXXX.exe /S /D=C:\CCleaner
CCleaner has 2 command-line parameters:
/AUTO - Runs the cleaner upon loading and then closes the application.
/DEBUG - Runs the program in debug mode, only recommended for advanced users.
The command-line parameters can be useful if you don't want to hit the Close/Exit every time, or if you are having a problem, and need to find out what is crashing CCleaner.
To do this, Right Click on the CCleaner shortcut, and then click on Properties. In Target, you should see something like this: "C:\Program Files\CCleaner\ccleaner.exe". Just add the command-line parameter at the end, it should look something like this: